24.7.2009 | 12:57
Cph-Pride lagið 2009
P.S Nappaði eftirfarandi af http://www.copenhagenpride.dk/
Pride, the first official song for Copenhagen Pride, has now been released. The song is written by Vignir Snær Vigfússon and arranged by
Örlygur Smári (also known as Öggi). The song was recorded at demostudie.dkand sung by the Icelandic singer/songwriter Arnar Thor who also wrote the lyrics for the song. Arnar Thor will perform the song live at the Copenhagen Pride show at Rådhuspladsen on August 1st 2009.
The word is Pride come out don't hide, be sure, it's very healing. Stand up, stand proud and say it out loud, this is the greatest feeling.
Queerificly proud we all should be, stand up and out for all the world to see. Just be ourselves and give them hope, to them who barely longer cope.
The word is Pride come out don't hide, be sure, it's very healing. Stand up, stand proud and say it out loud, this is the greatest feeling.
Don't decide to swallow all your pride, And give up all your hope and your senses. Your change is here to shout out to the world, I am proud to put
down all defenses.
The word is Pride come out don't hide, be sure, it's very healing. Stand up, stand proud and say it out loud, this is the greatest feeling.
So let the pride within you shine, And share with us all the glory. This may be true but without you, There wouldn't be any story.
The word is Pride come out don't hide, be sure, it's very healing. Stand up, stand proud and say it out loud, this is the greatest feeling.
Pride is thought as a song that would inspire others to dare to be. Regardless of their background, sexual identity or beliefs, everyone should be able to be themselves. The song could be seen as an ode to freedom and Arnar and the Pride organizers hope it will get people thinking, and will inspire others to stand up for their rights. After all arent all supposedly to be born equal?
I wanted to write a song with a message that would get people thinking. Its important that we can live in a world without prejudices and that one
day the phrase coming out of the closet has lost its meaning. Its about being true to oneself and be able to live your life to the fullest. Says Arnar Thor when asked about the song.
Facts about Pride
Pride was recorded in 2009 at demostudie.dk, Denmark by Jeppe Bjerrum and mixed at Poppvélin, Iceland by Öggi (www.poppvelin.is).
Meginflokkur: Tónlist | Aukaflokkar: Egó blog, Lífstíll, Vinir og fjölskylda | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:17 | Facebook
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