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Eurovision update II 25-03-2010

ICELANDNeyddist til að skipta þokkalegri útgáfu Íslenska lagsins út með einni mun lakari á djúkboxinu hér til hægri.  En á sama tíma setti þó ég inn betri útgáfur af lögum Georgíu, Búlgaríu, Hollandi, Lettlandi, Möltu og Úkraínu þannig að eitthvað Eurovision-jákvætt skeði í dag jú 

Breytingin á Íslenska laginu hefur mælst misjafnlega vel fyrir eins og má lesa í nokkrum af ótalmörgum kommentum af vefnum sem ég set hér inn


Sopho86 Does sounds like a Eurovision from 2003 - 2004 actually :P Not bad at all,a song that i dance after ;) 8p from Norway ;) !

irg19 The song is 10x better now! LOVE IT!

MarkSP2 Eehm is this a new version? I really prefer the old one!

CactusPattern OMG! I think she became number 2 or something in the Danish national show last year ... How weird .. Anyway, she was best last year .. this song is awful! :(

Eurovisionlukefan The beginning is the best 57 minutes ago mingereilly Sounds like a remix to me! 

MNYK17 take place in the top twenty-five absolutely sure of my..:D 

zoyers amazing , 12 points from spain..


Phoenixkidd The Key change in this song is really fantastic, gives me chills, I hope Hera gets famous in America.


Athlektis She have been in the Danish edition in 2009. Btw, cool song  

ArcadioChannel new version - "This is my life 2" ? LOL j

acosasexy best one this year!

EscFan2008andforever Hera what have you did?:(

laurawhitemusic i love this version!!

karlssonjlam great before and now!!!

Moonlight5770 björk?!?!

Lolinna This i so much better than the first version Hera has a great voice but I thought that her highest notes in the earlier version wheren't doing much for the song, it got a bit tiresome after a few listening. But this version - GREAT JOB :o) 

Lolina much more contemporary than the earlier version. The only thing I dont like is the beginning of the song, too much techno for my taste. I didn't like the high pitches from Hera in the earlier version. Even if she can reach high notes, it's not so comfortable to listen to over and over again. Great job :o)

paky4ever1 nice song and lyrics

nick1reason Really nice song - 12 points from Belarus

robercik785 Last year Iceland was 10000 better ;)

panchoxpanchox It's better now!!!!!!!!

eurovisionpizza the song was fine the way it was. with this new sound the performance will neeed more energy. dancers ect 

Walkhyra I like it, like it. Can't wait to dance in the club. :)))

teddiursaGO OH NO BRING THE OLD VERSION BACK! =( or combine the two or something!

Bwgsoccer16 good voice and catchy... but corny.

martin171990 Noo!, Sell the song with your voice Hera, not this techno sounding rubbish =(

fashionxue I thought ICELAND already bankrupted

MadOnLiving I do love this song and singer but why have they changed the song. There are some House beats and key changes that really were unnecessary. I would stick to the first version as that has Top 5 written all over it Good Luck Iceland Greetings from Ireland PS - Remember we gave Yohanna 12 points last year - Can you help us this year? ;-)))

djdott1991 very outdated... sorry iceland

TheGod20006 another dance track?? I didnt like the one you sent in 2008, and I dont like this one.

81Astral Much better!

GRAHAM2109 Older version is better. Seems a lot of glitches in the video upload 

1cecr1me Do you mean they freeze at times? I watched all the videos and this happens to each one of them.

GRAHAM2109 @1cecr1me I thought the picturequality wasn't that clear. I get a few white lines appear as if i'm watching an old VHS. The picture is also a bit jerky and apears to jump. Maybe its just me 1cecr1me It happens to me too. I play the same few seconds over and over again and the problems happen every time, so the problem is theirs, not yours. And once every few seconds, a small fraction of a second of the video repeats itself, and then it jumps over another fraction to remain synchronized with the audio. The codecs they used this year suck.

1cecr1me @GRAHAM2109 They probably wanted to crop all the videos to a 16:9 resolution, but there were some "side effects", i.e. the glitches, because they used cheap editing software and codecs (I think).

ESC2009TV And the 12 points go to... Iceland!

PixelRN Agreed with the comments about the changes. The old version had the 'WOW' factor but now it sounds techno bad :(

1cecr1me Why did they remove the violins in the chorus? And the piano when she says "pourquoi"? And the beats are too hard! Iceland, you've just ruined your song.

1cecr1me But I like the piano part added to the 2nd verse. Overall It's too house/trance etc. for Eurovision.

BlueRush @1cecr1me House is the new Europop.

d2k08 I dont like how she changes key when she sings "uh oh" in the chorus.. I guess im used to the first version! 

1cecr1me You're right. It's not comfortable for those who have heard the song before. It sounds sad now.mingereilly yeh im the same altogether at the moment i prefer the first version!

PixelRN Wow, this song has changed a lot! I don't know if I like it as much anymore... 7 points :) 

acarran1988 10 points :D

njótið Whistling (ef þið getið)

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